Kobo Product Development, Market Strategy, and Promotional Campaign Borders Group Inc.
Design Problem
Borders’ e-reader called the Kobo Reader was met with harsh reviews and criticism and died shortly after its introduction. Borders wanted a new e-reader developed by referencing their past mistakes and taking into account the demands from the consumer to create a product that will elicit large consumer demand and extend the e-reader demographic.
Through research, it was determined that the new device would need to be highly ergonomic so that users could hold the device for extended periods of time comfortably; this design left room to put in a larger battery which users always want. Additional features such as a color e-ink screen and the ability to open a wide variety of file formats meet the other consumer demands. The new device will target a new younger market to create lifetime customers.

The New Kobo Reader
The revised Kobo Reader in milk white showcasing some of its new features based on consumer requests.

Borders Overview
A detailed analysis and SWOT of Borders and their Kobo.

Amazon Overview
A detailed analysis and SWOT of Amazon and their Kindle as part of a competitive analysis.

Sony Overview
A detailed analysis and SWOT of Sony and their e-Reader Daily edition as part of a competitive analysis.

Barnes & Noble Overview
A detailed analysis and SWOT of Barnes & Noble and their Nook as part of a competitive analysis.

Industry Overview
A chart illustrating the likely hood for people to buy an e-reader and in what price range. There is a substantial demand for a sub $100 e-reader and those who intend to buy an e-reader within the next six months are willing to spend more money than all other interested parties.

Target Audience
Detailed insights into the new target audiences' demographic and psychographic information.

Project Planning
Summary of the project phases with their estimated costs and project timeline.

Promotional Material
An ad designed to be displayed inside of trains and busses (target audience commutes via mass transit) that subtly highlights the many different file types the new device supports.

Shadow Poster
The effect is created by having a panel, with cutouts where light would shine through, between the sun and the ground. A two way film would be used for the colored portion so that there is only color visible in the shadow and not on the panel. This highlights that the Kobo is the only e-ink based e-reader with a color display.

Viral QR Codes
To attract a younger, more tech savvy, audience stickers with QR codes could be spread at high traffic locations.